Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition, è stato rimandato!
Brutte notizie per tutti quelli che aspettavano di mettere le mani sopra a Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition. Square Enix poche ore fa tramite Twitter ha annunciato che il gioco in questione verrà rimandato all’estate 2020.
Since announcing #FinalFantasy CRYSTAL CHRONICLES Remastered Edition, we’ve read so many positive messages filled with encouragement, and all of us on the team would like to thank you for the support you’ve shown us so far. [1/5]
— FINAL FANTASY (@FinalFantasy) December 12, 2019
We know you’ve been waiting patiently for this game, and we hope you’ll continue to support us as you have done so far, over the coming months through to launch. [3/5]
— FINAL FANTASY (@FinalFantasy) December 12, 2019
Thank you again, from all of us on the #FinalFantasy CRYSTAL CHRONICLES Remastered Edition team. [5/5]
— FINAL FANTASY (@FinalFantasy) December 12, 2019